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WPS Office for Mac. WPS Office for Linux. WPS Office High Compatibility. High compatibility with Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Txt). Ultra Light. 谢邀,其实用mac制作PPT的可选择软件真的有很多,所以这边我会列出各个软件的特点和一些场景,大家根据自己的情况对号入座就可以了。 PowerPoint. 自從將平時慣用的作業系統換到Mac 後,我其實已經鮮少使用Microsoft Office, 用不到的應用程式,只包含Word、Excel、PowerPoint、OneNote 和Outlook,都 Official Apache OpenOffice download page. Join the OpenOffice revolution, the free office productivity suite with over 310 million trusted downloads. WPS Office For Mac. 文档在Mac上顺滑 金山词霸For Mac. 专为MAC设计的词典翻译工具. 2017.07.18/2.8M. 下载 轻松上手,简单易用,比PPT还简单. 体验 Templates for PowerPoint – Free. Mac软件下载. 安全下载. 支持系统. OS X 10.8. 价格. 0. 下载次数. 19. 官方网站. 访问. *Requires Microsoft Office 2008 or later,
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Microsoft PowerPoint - how do I download the app on PC? If you want to download the software on your pc or mac, you could either first visit the Mac store or Windows AppStore and search for the app OR you can easily use any of the download links we provided above under the "Download and Install" header section to download the application Office2019Mac版是Mac平台上的最新版本的微软Office办公套件。Office2019Mac版涵盖了Office365三年以来的重磅更新,是对过去三年在Office365里所有功能进行整合,包括对Word、Excel、PowerPoint等等的更新;您可以免费下载。 Awesome Powerpoint Graphics Sampler v.2.2 These FREE powerpoint pictures are a small sample of the graphics available to download from the awesome powerpoint graphics website. Compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation Software. Each graphic has been optimized for quality on-screen Simpo PDF to PowerPoint for Mac v.1.0 If you want to convert PDF to PowerPoint on Mac OS X, you …
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Microsoft PowerPoint 16.47 для macOS доступна для бесплатной загрузки с нашей библиотеки. Это бесплатное приложение для Mac OS X принадлежит Microsoft. Самые популярные версии программного обеспечения: 14.0, 12.3 и 10.1. PowerPoint remains the dominant software for creating presentations on Mac so we’ve taken a look at the best PowerPoint templates for Mac. Microsoft Office doesn’t include many decent default templates so here are some ways to spice-up your presentations with a variety of different paid and free PowerPoint templates for Mac downloads. The PowerPoint app gives you access to the familiar slideshow maker tool you already know. Create, edit, view, present, or share presentations quickly and easily from anywhere. Need to access your PowerPoint files quickly while on the go? PowerPoint provides a quick view of your recent slides and… Free Office for Mac tutorials. If you're using Office for Mac, the Office for Mac team has provided great series of tutorials and how-to guides to help you get started and even learn advanced skills: If you're just getting started, check out the Office 2016 for Mac Quick Start Guides, which provide an overview of each Office for Mac product. Free Powerpoint Viewer For Mac free download - PowerPoint Viewer 2007, Free Powerpoint Viewer, PowerPoint Viewer 2003, and many more programs 微软官方商城Microsoft PowerPoint适用于1台 PC或 Mac,创建,协作并高效展示自己的思路,兼容Windows 10或Mac OS操作系统.订阅Microsoft 365使用Word,Excel,Outlook,OneDrive等
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